Sunday, 25 May 2014

X-Men: Days of Future Past

Bryan Singer finally returns to directing a ‘X-Men’ film with Days of Future Past. And with duds like ‘Superman Returns’ in his kitty since X2, fans would have been a bit little skeptic with this one. But with ‘First Class’ and ‘Wolverine’ reviving the X-Men franchise, huge expectations hardly left any room for further skepticism. And to be fair, the film had time travel and superheroes, it couldn't go wrong!

And thankfully, it doesn’t.

Days of future past acting as a sequel to both ‘First Class’ and the forgettable ‘Last Stand’, comes in with a simple, but extremely well written story. With the plot being predictable within the first fifteen minutes into the movie, the film rides on some engaging screenplay and powerful performances from the actors, and rarely does one witness both the aspects clicking so well for a superhero film.

The ‘Past’ enjoys the bulk of screen time, and rightfully so, considering the tremendous success that ‘First Class’ enjoyed. Hence, it leaves ample opportunity for James Mcavoy, Michael Fassbender and Jennifer Lawrence to kick off from where they left as Charles, Eric and Raven. With the addition of Hugh Jackman, as Logan, to their band, things could only get better.

The film is packed with right amount of action sequences and humor. And when you have Logan around, you sure got some cheesy one-liners here and there. With the sides of Professor X, Magneto, and Mystique at the verge of rising through within their younger selves, the film makes you connect with the characters at an emotional level, pushing this film higher in terms of substance.

The cinematography too was perfect, capturing 1973 and apocalyptic future brilliantly well. Background score does well to intensify the action scenes and the whole movie in general. Days of future, it seems could do no wrong in any department.

The film has some great moments, and does not falter in its story at any point, putting this film into a separate league of high rated Super hero cult hits. If ‘First Class’ set a high benchmark for the X-men Franchise, ‘Days of Future Past’ does well to raise it further. Do not miss this one.

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