Tuesday, 24 December 2013

The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug

First Thor, then Hunger games and now this. Sequels have thoroughly surprised me and reinstated my faith in them. After the not so appealing first installment of the series (though I loved it), Desolation of Smaug will make you love and fear the middle earth once again. It is adventure at its adrenaline rushing best. The movie is action packed with an exceptional background score, screenplay and breath taking cinematography. Though Peter Jackson cannot create another LOTR series, this one promises to be an epic Trilogy with a wonderful base set up for the third installment to breathe fire. Though the movie is 156 minutes long, it will drag you along into the middle earth and doesn't bore you at any point of the journey to the Lonely Mountain.

Rest assured, I can positively say that the LOTR fans wouldn't be left with disappointment for long after this one. Watch out for the King under the Mountain. Smaug Rocks! 

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